Easter in the northern hemisphere is usually a special time for it is the start of spring and with is comes a sense of renewal, freshness and awakening after the long grey winter. I have fond memories of going on a long walk with the whole family over the Easter holidays and my grandfather would walk ahead and drop little chocolate eggs along the way - it certainly kept us children motivated and I don't think we ever quite made the connection why Opa walked ahead of the group all the time.
Here in New Zealand of course, the temperatures have dropped, the days are getting shorter and there's no denying that summer has come to an end. With the cooler temperatures, we are spending more time indoors and I have once again got my decorating mojo back.
Here in New Zealand of course, the temperatures have dropped, the days are getting shorter and there's no denying that summer has come to an end. With the cooler temperatures, we are spending more time indoors and I have once again got my decorating mojo back.
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break - wherever in the world you are. I am counting down the days until my dear mother arrives from Germany and for her to finally meet her latest grandchild.